Throughout our 2016 season we will give fishing updates here periodically. Be sure to check back for our most recent update!
July 16 – As another week winds down, we figured we better give you all a fishing update on the season so far. The Coho run has been slower than usual, probably due in part to our lack of rain. It has been slowly getting better, with a bunch seen North of us headed our way. With some rain in the forecast for next week the Coho fishing should continue to get better. The Sockeye have also shown up in Red Creek. Some of our guests went to try it out the other day and they all limited out. And the halibut fishing has started out hot this year! We have probably averaged 50-80 lbs on our halibut so far, and the other day one of our self-guided guests lost a 200 lb halibut as they tried to get it in the boat. We will keep doing updates periodically on the fishing and try to post a bunch of pictures on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
August 13 – Sorry its been so long since we did a fishing update! It has been a busy summer. While we continued to hope our summer Coho run would pick up, it never did. There are still a few in the bay and running up Neck Outlet, but the run will soon be over. We have however begun seeing the first Coho running up 108 Creek for our fall run. Coho have also begun running on other streams on the island. Pinks have also shown up in full force in the last week. They are running heavy on 108 Creek and our guests have been having a blast catching them. Our guests have also found a few straggling Sockeye as well as Chums on various streams on the island. Although we haven’t had any barn doors brought in lately, we’ve still been catching plenty of halibut. We have also seen lots of Black Cod and some big Pacific Cod and Yelloweye brought in.